Sick Days in the UK
According to there were 4.3 million self employed people in the United Kingdom at the end of September 2022. Many of those people run solo businesses where they are the sole worker. The ONS website says that a whopping 149.3 million sick days were taken in 2021 by employees. That’s the equivalent of 4.6 days per worker. But sick days are not something that exist in the world of a solo business owner! What if you couldn’t work? Get a virtual assistant to help!
What if you are self-employed and sick?
Now when you are self employed or run your own business, you would just carry on working regardless of the usual sickness bugs. But what would do you do if something completely unexpected and devastating happened to you?
What if you had a serious accident that required hospitalisation for a number of weeks or months. Then a recuperation period afterwards? Or if you were diagnosed with a serious illness that meant you were unable to carry on with your usual business activities? What about if your partner, child or parent became ill or disabled and needed you to be there for them. Would that make it impossible for you to continue working?
We all like to think we are invincible. Maybe the really organised among us already have income protection insurance to cushion the blow. But can you honestly say as a self-employed or solo business person you have thought out these scenarios and made contingency plans just in case?
Could your business survive if you weren’t there to run it?
Even if you have your loss of income covered, what happens to your business if you are the only person who knows how to run it? Is your business well established enough to cope with you having 3 months sick leave? Is it passive enough that you could just pick it back up when you are well enough?
How can you ensure continuity if the worst happens?
The answer could very well be a Virtual Assistant! Most VAs are looking for a long term clients, and if you choose one with the right skills, they will most likely already know a great deal about how your particular business works. A VA can also help you plan your emergency strategy. Yes, you will have to show them the ropes to begin with, and yes they will ask lots of questions. But the knowledge that once they get up to speed, with some direction from you they could pick up any of the work you do yourself and keep the business running whilst you are incapacitated is priceless for any business owner.
Contact Stow VBA!
Do you have an emergency plan in case the worst happens? If not, and you would like help with setting one up, contact Stow Virtual Business Admin to find out how I can help you ensure you have a business to come back to!